Trying to keep the costs reasonable - but I'm also the type that always seems to fall in love with the most expensive option
Priorities for us:
Good Food
Good Drink
Fun Times :)
Nice Venue
Good pictures
Priorities for us:
Good Food
Good Drink
Fun Times :)
Nice Venue
Good pictures
These are just some numbers I've come up with. Hopefully will be under on most, but I wanted to try to keep it reasonable.
Plan Actual
Venue $5580 $5780 (fees)
Flowers $1000
Food $5400
Drinks $1500
Attire $1500
Paper $300
Decoration $250
Rings $1000
Photo $2000 $2100 (tax)
Cake $700
DJ $1000
Officient $300
Beauty $300
Gifts $150